榜鹅公寓 (Parc Centros) 3个卧室 / 全家私 / 有空调

97517753 97517753

Parc Centros is a 99-year Leasehold Condominium located at 0, Punggol Central, 820000 in District 19. It comprises of 618 units. Parc Centros is close to Punggol MRT Station. It is due to be completed in 2016. Schools close to Parc Centros include, Edgefield Primary School, Mee Toh School and Rivervale Primary School.

  • 公寓的名: Parc Centros 地址: 84 Punggol Central 邮政: 828719
  • 整套榜鹅公寓 3个卧室 / 2个浴室
  • 全家私 / 有空调 / 五楼 / 1000平方英尺
  • 7月1号以后随时入住
  • 中介
